Living Loft

Sane Architects Inc

Loft Systems
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Living Loft Inc. is the name of an autonomous loft system that is developed as a "system in a box". The system is developed as a package in the factory and is installed on site. The design can incorporate various hybrids and combinations which will seek to use and recycle all energy sources efficiently. These options would be available dependent on the site location and conditions.

The system will use all available natural energy sources such as the sun, rainfall, bio-mass and recycled water and waste. Various energy packages could incorporate the following:


Adopting grey water flushing systems in urban situations will conserve potable water. Plumbing systems will be designed to use grey water produced by clothes washing and shower use, for waste water in toilets to reduce consumption. A water run off system could also be developed which could filter excess water back into the soil.


A fibreglass utility module will be developed to include tolilets, showers, sink units and kitchen counter units. This module will introduce our water conservation technique by integrating prefinished shower stall modules with toilets. The module will reduce overall electric consumption. We would also explore the use of solar panels (photovoltaic system) to provide air-conditioning within the unit.