Living Loft

Sane Architects Inc

Energy Saved


  Typical 1 Storey Bunglow

Living Loft Unit 20'x20' unit - 2 storey

Living Loft Unit 20'x20' unit - 3 storey
Savings from typical bunglow to 3 storey unit
  1217.5 sq. ft. 800 sq. ft. 1200 sq. ft. 2998
Natural Gas Consumption per Year (m3) $2,015.65 $425.88 $651.56 $1,364.1
Natural Gas Consumption per Year ($)        
68% Energy Savings
Calculations based on preliminary design, actual calculation may vary.
Calculations are based on typical usage patterns, actual results may vary.
Living loft unit calculations do not included optional room expansion.
Natural gas consumption calculated at a price of $0.455/m3, includes delivery charges.
Electricity consumption and A/C calculations not included.
Based on Toronto Canada climatic data.
Savings will increase as energy prices continue to increase
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