Living Loft

Sane Architects Inc

Loft Systems

Modular Living Concept
1. There is only one BIOSPHERE to Earth in which we and all other forms of life can survive.
2. That we can terminally damage the BIOSPHERE through the sum of our activities.
3. That nature is not adverse to change but appears to have difficulty in dealing with massive toxic changes.
4. That each building or element of urban development should seek to contribute to as well as take from the BIOSPHERE.
5. That waste is a resource to be re-consumed.
6. That Energy Crisis are generators of opportunities for beneficial changes in life
7. That there is no single right solution to the problems posed of the survival of us and BIOSPHERE

Time for Innovation
Struck by the fact that U.S. and Canada is producing nearly a quarter of all the carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, time has come to develop sustainable communities based on
Design Principles, which will provide a total solution to future development
This CONCEPT is based on

We invite you to discover our proposal and critically evaluate the ideas proposed in the current market.
Our Concept

Modular Living Concept in this century represents a life style where division between work and living space has virtually disappeared. In the world of internet, website, e-mail, high energy costs and environmental awareness, modular living concept needs to be re-defined. We attempted to approach this issue based on the first principal towards:
Path way to zero energy use.
We will attempt to address energy and Potable water shortage in providing total flexible planning options within the basic frame for an individual and the family.
L I V I N G L O F T will try to develop an autonomous housing unit, which will seek to use all energy sources at least twice. This housing unit will be developed on closed loop principle which will optimise the use of services and total infra-structure, thus assisting the National, local and individual operating costs. Based on the opportunities presented by the size and location of the development all available natural energy sources from sun, wind, and recycle waste will be accessed.
Water Conservation. The basic shelter unit provides a roof design to collect and store rain water for potable use. We will offer grey water flushing system option. Plumbing system will be designed to use water generated by kitchen and laundry waste for toilet flushing including for the food production.

Recycle Waste from kitchen and general areas will be recycled through composting and used as resource for the food production.
Utility Module Energy produced through biomass will be backed by renewable source from wind power and solar. Hot water production will be generated from solar panels.